
Weekly newsletter

Greetings from Willow Baptist Church,

This Sunday we made some room changes with our Connect Groups. In a large room where the smaller kids are, we placed decorative dividers to help keep them focused and on task. Kids will be kids and they love to explore. Some will look underneath, some around the corners, and even a few strains to see over top. Isn’t that what we adults do too? God has purposely given us protective dividers in our lives to avoid straying from our task, to help us not to lose focus of Him. Yet we look where we shouldn’t, we push against God’s protective dividers, and fail to see their intended purpose. Our protective dividers from God are found in the Bible. We are warned our enemy walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). God wants us to keep our thoughts on Christ and not the distractions of the world. Time is short and our attention must be given to God’s will and His purpose for all Christians; proclaiming the death, burial, resurrection, and Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we observed the Lord’s Supper I pray that we were all reminded of this truth. We would love for you to join us at Willow where our purpose is to connect with God and to grow in our faith so we can share the love of Jesus. 

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